ChemTech 100 Chlorine/Hydrogen Peroxide or Soda Ash/Sodium Carbonate Pump
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ChemTech 100 (Chlorine/Hydrogen Peroxide or Soda Ash/Sodium Carbonate) Pump, Model X030-XA-AAAAXXX. This is the 115 Volt Pump rated to 30 gallon per day.
If instead you want a 230 Volt version of this pump, purchase the following:
ChemTech 100 (Chlorine/Hydrogen Peroxide or Soda Ash/Sodium Carbonate) Pump, Model X030-XC-AAAAXXX. This is the 230 Volt Pump rated to 30 gallon per day.
X030-XA-AAAAXXX - 115 Volt Pump rated to 30 gallon per day.
X024-XA-AAAAXXX - 115 Volt Pump rated to 24 gallon per day.
X015-XA-AAAAXXX - 115 Volt Pump rated to 15 gallon per day.
X007-XA-AAAAXXX - 115 Volt Pump rated to 7 gallon per day.
X003-XA-AAAAXXX - 115 Volt Pump rated to 3 gallon per day.
X030-XC-AAAAXXX - 230 Volt Pump rated to 30 gallon per day.
X024-XC-AAAAXXX - 230 Volt Pump rated to 24 gallon per day.
X015-XC-AAAAXXX - 230 Volt Pump rated to 15 gallon per day.
X007-XC-AAAAXXX - 230 Volt Pump rated to 7 gallon per day.
X003-XC-AAAAXXX - 230 Volt Pump rated to 3 gallon per day.
This is a great little pump for well water treatment. We know homeowners are using this pump for Well Water pH Control (Acid Water), Well Water Disinfection (Eliminating Bacteria), Irrigation Rust Removal or Iron Removal.
Well Water pH Control (Acid Water)
Does your water test show a pH of less than 7.0?
Damaged Appliances. Leaks in Plumbing. Metallic Taste. We know well water causes problems…
Do you see blue/green staining on your copper plumbing?
Does your water taste sour?
Do you have Copper Plumbing that acid water can cause to leak?
With Pulsafeeder’s Chemical Injection System you will get the means to minimize these problems and save money in cost repairs.
An economical option with the Chem-Tech 100 series pump that can inject a Soda Ash or Caustic Soda into the water stream that reacts with the low pH water to neutralize the pH level.
Well Water Disinfection (Eliminating Bacteria)
Did your water test show Coliform or E-Coli bacteria in your well water?
Bacteria contamination is one of the most common well water quality issues.
Bacteria can cause stomach issues and make you sick if ingested.
With Pulsafeeder’s Chemical Injection System you will get the means to treat the bacteria in the water to prevent sickness.
An economical option with the Chem-Tech 100 series pump that can pump chlorine or hydrogen peroxide.
Irrigation Rust Removal or Iron Removal
Irrigation water with a high iron concentration can leave stains on driveways, patio’s and other surfaces.
With Pulsafeeder’s Chemical Injection System you will get the means to treat the high iron concentration with either a chlorine to oxidize the iron or inject a rust removal chemical to prevent surface stains.
An economical option with the Chem-Tech 100 series pump that can pump chlorine or hydrogen peroxide.
There may be other chemical applications for well water that we are unaware of. Please ask us and we will add them to this page to help other customers. We can offer an unmatched low price that you will not find else where.
If you have any questions feel free to Contact us.
Prices for the Continental 48 states of the USA only.