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The Megatron SS SSF2U3
$1394.00 Add to cart to see price

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It is not possible for us to list everything that we sell with every possible option or configuration. If you are looking for an item that you cannot find in our store, Contact Us. We will make every effort to find it and send you a price quotation for that item that you can enter from the store to make an on-line purchase.


We do accept international orders, but we do not allow direct purchase of the products from the store to international destinations. This is because we cannot honor the freight rates quoted in the store for these purchases. Thus international sales must be handled as a custom order. Contact Us, tell us what you wish to purchase and where it is going. We will get you a delivered price quoted in $USD within 3-5 business days. Once you have that quotation you will be able to order that item directly from this store just as you would a custom order.

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That's all there is to it. If you have any questions, please Contact Us. Note: some Non-US banks do not participate in the Address Verification System (AVS). If your purchase is rejected for any reason, please contact us to see if we can effect a manual processing of your order.

For our Canadian friends, if you are having trouble getting reasonably priced test kits from Taylor Technologies, check us out. We have the following test kits available. All you need is the equivalent kit that you want to buy, and your shipping address for us to get you a freight quote and give you a complete price. For more information, please Contact Us

Taylor Kit Our Test Kit Description
K-1105C RDTK9945-Z Orthophosphate 0-25ppm w/ Slide
K-1285-1 RDTK9900-Z K-1285-1 RDTK9900-Z pH w/ long range Indicator & comparator
K-1502 CONTACT US  Chlorine Dioxide Test Kit, 1 drop = 0.2ppm
K-1503 RDTK3051-Z Hardness Test Kit, 1 drop = 2 or 10ppm
K-1504 RDTK3057-Z Trace Hardness Test Kit, 1 drop = 0.5ppm
K-1506 RDTK1106-Z Chloride Test Kit
K-1510 RDTK3302-Z Nitrite Test Kit, 1 drop = 40ppm
K-1514 RDTK3059-Z  Hardness (calcium & total) Test Kit, 1 drop = 2 or 10ppm
K-1527 RDTK1018-Z Alkalinity-P/T 1 drop=10ppm
K-1529 RDTK3502-Z Sulfite, 1 drop = 2 or 10ppm
K-1533 RDTK1022-Z Alkalinity-P/M,P/T, 1 drop=10 or 50
K-1537 RDTK1026-Z  Alk-caustic hydroxyl, 1 drop=10 or 50
K-1547 RDTK1027-Z  Acidity, muriatic, 1 drop =0.5%
K-1549 RDTK1113-Z Chloride Test Kit, 1 drop = 10,25,50,100,500
K-1563 RDTK3316-Z Nitrite Test Kit, 1 drop = 100 ppm
K-1564 RDTK3303-Z Nitrite Test Kit, 1 drop = 25 ppm
K-1565 RDTK3310-Z Nitrite Test Kit, 1 drop = 50 ppm
K-1567 RDTK3052-Z Hardness-Ca, 1 drop =10 ppm
K-1580 RDTK1120-Z Chlorine Test Kit, 1 drop 1 or 10 ppm
K-1583 RDTK0170-Z Phosphonate Test Kit, 1 drop = 0.9 ppm HEDP
K-1598 RDTK1114-Z Chloride Test Kit, 1 drop = 2 or 10 ppm
K-1640 RDTK6240-Z Combo Kit, Alkalinity, Chloride, Hardness, Sulfite
K-1645 RDTK6245-Z  Combo Kit, Alkalinity, Chloride, Hardness, Sulfite, pH, PO4
K-1646 RDTK6200-Z Combo Kit, Moly, Nitrite, pH
K-1693 RDTK6210-Z Combo-Alkalinity, Chloride, Hardness, Polymer, Sulfite
K-1767 RDTK1116-Z Chloride 1 drop = 20, 40, 100, 200, 800 NaCl
K-1805P RDTK3279-Z Mo (powder), 1 drop = 2,5,20,50ppm
K-1831 RDTK9930-Z  Orthophosphate, 30 or 60 ppm
K-1837 RDTK9925-Z Orthophoshate, 2 or 8 ppm
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