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Legionella Advanced Warning (LAW)

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Legionella Advanced Warning (LAW):

Now you can detect Legionella in the air within 54 hours.

Use this near:

  • Cooling towers, and Evaporative Condensers;
  • Spa, hot tubs, and pools;
  • Shower rooms,
  • Decorative fountains;
  • Commercial air handling units;
  • Grocery store vegitable sprayers;
  • Water Mist Systems,; or
  • any place where water is sprayed or misted.

Product details:

The technology is really straightforward – we have a cartridge that contains Legionella specific media with inhibitors to prevent false low or high values.  The cartridge is mapped using a laser and combined with optical sensors – the growth patterns/colorations/LP bacteria development is well known – the unit is allied to an on-line computer database which is constantly comparing the growth vs. mapping – once it detects and confirms LP the unit will send an alarm to however many contacts are on the list – incubation is 48 hours on the micro-plate with a 6 hour confirmation time (that way we do not send false alarms) – so you get results in a little over 48 hours vs. 2 weeks for lab cultures – once you get a positive LP the unit alarms via email with a pdf form that documents the positive and records the event- the notification can be sent to computer or smart phones, the unit will then turn itself off until the cartridge is replaced.  If you wished you could pull the cartridge, send it to an LP lab and have the actual count of LP determined.  Legionella Advanced Warning will alarm in the 1-5 CFU range with 5 CFU being the ceiling.

Cartridges last a month and do need to be refrigerated in storage.  Once you bring a unit on line it will automatically upload and record the serial number of the unit and the cartridge in use as well as go thru a calibration mode to make sure the laser/optics are matched to the cartridge.  Cartridges slide in – every ten minutes the unit will automatically sample the air and begin the process – so outside of putting the cartridge in the analysis process is automatic and on-line and does not require anyone to “pull samples”.

The units are adaptable – you can install outside the cooling tower with a PVC pipe connection that can draw air directly from the tower – or you can mount on the wall inside a facility or you can set on a table top.  The NEMA unit has a fan unit that draws air in all the time so you have positive airflow.  You can also link the units in a facility so that all go to the data hub and then are linked to the on-line dashboard so you can view operations at any time from a computer or smart phone.

Once you have a positive LP and receive an alarm, from a smart phone you could signal a web based controller to feed biocide and eradicate the LP literally in real time or for those older installations where you do not have web based controllers someone can be alerted to turn the pumps on and eradicate the LP.  Either the end user or the service personnel can be directed to do the manual application.  Still you have cut down response time from many days to just hours or the very next day.

An introductory offer:

We have an intro offer – 1 LAW unit with lockable water proof NEMA enclosure, data hub and three LAW cartridges.  Again the cartridges need to be refrigerated . Installation is very easy but does require electricity to power the unit.

To view or download PDF  for this product, Click Here.

If interested contact us with your questions or for a custom quotation at CONTACT US.

Prices for the Continental 48 states of the USA only.

Kittiwake FG-K29555-KW: Legionella Testing Kit (Serogroup 1)

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