Sale Item
The Megatron XS XSCPF1-H
$3197.00 Add to cart to see price

NAFTA Certificate of Origin


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   - OR -   

Sunshop does not provide a truly professional way to place a Custom Order, so we have devised this method as a work around.

NAFTA Certificate of Origin (You may wish to print this page of instructions before continuing):

1. We have created this $0.01 product called "NAFTA Certificate of Originr"

2. We have given you a price for NAFTA Certificate of Origin. Let us, for example assume that the price we gave you was $30.00 USD.

3. You need to enter 3000 of these one penny items in the Quantity box above. The total of $30.00 will not be seen here, but it will show up at check out. 

4. Next you need to click on "Add to Cart". Now you will see your total price of $30.00.

5. Click on "Checkout".

6. Now you are in the CUSTOMER INFORMATION SCREEN. You can either log in or just enter your billing and shipping information, if you have not registered with us before. Below that you will have the opportunity to register with us.

7. After you have completed this click on "Continue".

8. Now you are in the DETAILS SCREEN. This shows the details of your account with us.

9. After you have completed this click on "Continue".

10. Now you are in the PAYMENT SCREEN. Here you will be asked to provide your Credit Card informtion.

11. After you have completed this click on "Continue".

12. Now you are in the REVIEW SCREEN. Here you can make a final review of your order before placing it. What you see here will be on your emailed receipt/order confirmation. This is very important: At the bottom of the page you will see a section called Order Comments. Enter any comments here that are necessary for your receipt. For us to process the order we will need only the quotation number that was on the PDF that we emailed to you. It could say as little as "Per quotation #12,345." You may want to enter a description of the item that you are purchasing here so it appears in your records for tax time.

13. When you are satisfied, click on Process Order. You will now move to the COMPLETE SCREEN. This will give you your order number and an email will be sent to you and to us confirming your order. The email will contain the information that you saw on the DETAILS SCREEN. You are now done. 

You will be asked to provide your credit card information (VISA, Master Card, Discover, or American Express).

At no time will we share your private information with others. See our Privacy Policy.

That's all there is to it. If you have any questions, please Contact Us.

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